UTG’s Ultra-Thin Hanging LCD Displays are ideal for any type of business. Of high quality and durability, their installation is simple and hassle-free.
Available as single or double sided, UTG’s Ultra-Thin LCD displays are android based and updating content is easy with UTG’s advanced Online Content Management System (CMS).
The displays are slim and hold a bright 700nit LCD screen for in-window advertising and a 350nit LCD screen for in-store usage.
With a commercial-grade LCD panel, these screens are designed to run 24/7, in direct sunlight, in shop windows. The smooth white shell and the smallest wire mounting size provide 43-inch, 49-inch, and 55-inch screen sizes, ensuring that all focus is on what the screen is displaying.

Hardware & Software features
- All-in-one sleek compact design (no wires, cables, hook ups, media boxes, laptops, etc.)
- Commercial graded displays (made of steel - not plastic)
- Anti-glare technology with 180° viewing angle
- Available in a single or double sides, in various sizes (43’’ to 55")
- 4K Resolution on all display sizes
- Clients have 100% control of digital displays and content featured
- Capability to enable single screen changes (or entire network changes), remotely, from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection
- Capability to schedule content in any desired interval (by the date, by the time i.e. second, minute, every 5 minutes, etc.)
- Capability to customize the design of the screen, as well structure all content
- Extremely user-friendly, flexible, and hassle-free